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By Derek B

​After being held captive in my home by hurricane Sandy, I had time to reflect on the first part of my internship here at Global Kids. It’s already been a week (or two the time just goes by) and I’ve already done so much. I’ve created a presentation on geocaching, set up a linux based network monitor and helped set up the office laptops. I’ve also done some clerical work as is expected as part of an interns tasks. Overall this has been one of the best internships I’ve had. It’s a laid back office, they all seem pretty nice and they’re not all old people so there is this level of “coolness” that comes from the staff. I definitely enjoy working with Usman and his one man IT operation, the creativity he puts into making the office network infrastructure work on a modest budget is amazing. Working with OLP is great because I have an opportunity to work with people my age and assist them in any projects they may be doing. I also get to meet other professionals in the field of game based learning and education which has broadened my network.

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