On March 20, 2008, Global Kids produced the simulcast of Kofi Annan receiving the MacArthur Foundation’s first international justice award. The simulcast was broadcast not just to the Web, but to four online communities within virtual worlds, each within its own simultaneous but unique event: Second Life, Teen Second Life, Whyville, and There.com In 2009, our friends at the Field Museum of Chicago teamed up with the tween virtual world Whyville to launch Whyreef: a virtual educational experience for young people to teach them about biodiversity and ecosystems. In Whyreef, you are challenged to observe different coral reefs and carefully record the species of animal and plant life you encounter there, such as the spinner dolphin, the hawksbill sea turtle, and the humphead parrotfish. Beyond just basic biology education, the players will “work together to address environmental challenges threatening these fragile ecosystems” according to the press release.