i Global Kids is an official CS4All NYC professional development provider. So far, we’ve held CS4ALL PD trainings, “Historical Heroes!: A Games-Based Workshop with Scratch and Makey-Makey,” for elementary school educators in July 2017 and in February 2018.
Global Kids’ “Historical Heroes!” games based workshop provided participants with content and strategies on how to introduce computational thinking concepts, practices and perspectives to students in grades 3-5 through a historical lens and variety of hands-on activities. Participants acquire skills around designing lesson plans which give youth the creative freedom to make games about historical figures and events discussed across Social Studies, English and other social science classes in an interactive and learner-centered way. We’ll be offering CS4ALL training again in the summer of 2018, but registration is closed. |
Haunts PD Training in Houston 2018
We’re bringing professional development training for our Haunts geo-locative game down to Houston, TX in June 2018. Stay tuned for more information!